Sunday, July 3, 2011

Blog Assignment 10

picture of colored pencils

In the post “Don't Let Them Take Pencils Home” there is a problem being presented and then the solution. Gertrude explains to Tom that there has been a study done stating that students that use pencils at home have lower test scores. Toms develops a solution. He develops the parent pencil program to teach parents how to use pencils in an educational sense and not just for fun and entertainment. He states that he can’t “hold them accountable” he can just “find projects that keep them interested.

This is a great lesson to live by as an educator. When presented with a problem, find the solution. Instead of either ignoring the problem or eliminating it by simply not allowing the students to take home the pencils, Tom embraced this problem and found a great solution. In low-income areas there are situations where parents work late and aren’t home a lot or children getting involved in crime and drugs. The idea of having the students and their parents work on projects together with their pencils serves a dual purpose. Not only does it help the parents but it occupies the students and keeps them from trouble and also gives them time with their parents. No one can monitor and make sure that the projects are done, but just giving the idea and taking the time to develop the projects is a great start.

In the video “Do You Teach or Do You Educate?” the meaning of being a teacher and being an educator are laid out very clearly. I want to be an educator, as assume most do. It takes more to be an educator; it takes more drive and more passion. I would like for my future students to see me as someone that is there for them and can give them advice on life, a mentor.

I want to teach my students all of the necessary materials and also learn that they can be successful and accomplish anything that they want. This is an important lesson to learn these days. With the rate of students dropping out of school rising students need guidance and positive reinforcement regularly to encourage them to reach the goals they set for themselves, and educators are there to help them reach those goals.


  1. You missed the metaphor. Read these three posts from last semester to understand Tom Johnson's post, metaphors, and why they are important.

    Metaphors: What They Are and Why We Use Them

    Metaphor Discussion Update

    Everyone is Thinking About Metaphors

  2. Lucinda,
    You are right, as educators we need to become problem solvers. You bring out a great point from the “Pencil” post; one that I did not pick up on. Thank you for this. It makes perfect sense, now. Not only did Tom solve the problem, he created the potential for a special bond between his students and their parents. We all want to be great educators (I assume as you did). It should become second nature to be supportive and encouraging of our students.
    Good luck,
    Bobbi Jo
